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Development and Building

Planning & Development Process

In Saskatchewan, the primary responsibility for managing community planning, development issues, land use and municipal services rests with local municipalities. Municipalities are authorized to carry out local and regional planning, establish zoning bylaws, and require development permits, servicing agreements, or development levies to manage land use, development, infrastructure, and community growth issues.

The following guide was prepared by the Community Planning branch of the Government of Saskatchewan in 2016. It is an overview of the municipal planning, development permit and subdivision approval processes in Saskatchewan.

A Guide to the Municipal Planning Process in Saskatchewan

Please visit the links below for the RM of Dufferin No. 190’s Official Community Plan (Bylaw #08-2022) and Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw #09-2022).

The original copies of these Bylaws and all amendments thereto have been duly signed and sealed in accordance with legislative requirements. Certified copies of the original Bylaws and amending Bylaws may be obtained from the municipal office. Please note there may be an administrative fee charged for providing such copies.

Bylaw 08-2022 – Official Community Plan of the RM of Dufferin No. 190

Bylaw 09-2022 – Zoning Bylaw for the RM of Dufferin No. 190

Appendix ‘A’ to Bylaw 09-2022 – Zoning Bylaw Maps 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A & 5




Demolition Permit Application Form

Discretionary Use Application Form

Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application Form

Please see Schedule A for Bylaw 2021-04 for fees related to the processing of Development Permit applications, Discretionary Use applications and Zoning Bylaw amendments.


Further to the Development Permit process of the RM of Dufferin No. 190, the municipality also has a Building Bylaw.  This bylaw provides a process to ensure building construction within the RM meets national and provincial minimum requirements.  All development within the RM is required to follow the Development Permit Application process and then the Building Permit Application process.

Bylaw 11-2023 – Building Bylaw for the RM of Dufferin No. 190

The RM of Dufferin No. 190 utilizes the services of BuildTech Consulting & Inspections Inc. to provide the Building Permit Application form and plan reviews. They are responsible for ensuring building construction meets legislated requirements and follow up their plan review with onsite inspections.


No development or construction may occur on any proposed development or building until a valid Development Permit and Building Permit (if applicable) has been issued.

Please Note: The standard time to process Development Permit applications is around 2 to 4 weeks.