To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Government of Saskatchewan is limiting the size of public and private gatherings to a maximum of ten people in one room are prohibited as of March 26, 2020. Exceptions are provided where two metre distancing between people can be maintained, such as workplaces and meeting settings where people are distributed into multiple rooms or buildings and retail locations deemed essential.
A list of critical public services and allowable business services has been created to inform the business community of which businesses can continue to operate in accordance with social distancing practices. A list of those businesses was provided with the news release of March 25, 2020. This is in addition to business services that were ordered closed on March 23.
To learn more about supports available for businesses and workers or for further clarity regarding allowable business services, email supportforbusiness@gov.sk.ca or visit the COVID-19 Information Page for Businesses and Workers at Saskatchewan.ca.
Also as of March 26, the closure and restrictions of food services includes an order that staff must dispense food products. Self-service of open, prepared food products (e.g. salad bars, soup and hot food items at convenience stores) is no longer permitted.
The complete public health orders are available at Saskatchewan.ca/COVID19.
Social Distancing in the Workplace
While many workplaces are deemed essential, those workplaces must ensure their occupational health and safety guidelines are up to date and in force to prevent the transmission of respiratory illnesses.
Workers, including those who work outdoors and agricultural producers, must follow personal protective measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
• All travelers returning from international destinations – including the U.S. – are subject to a mandatory self-isolation order. Anyone identified by a Medical Health Officer as a close contact of someone with COVID-19 shall go into mandatory self-isolation for 14 days from the date of having been exposed. Exempted are truckers, airline, rail, and work crews that are required to work in order to maintain business continuity and are supervised by Infection Prevention and Control Officers or Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.
• Actively monitor for symptoms. At the first sign of cough, immediately self-isolate for 14 days.
• Practice physical distancing in the workplace, including those workplaces that are outdoors. Maintain a two metre separation between individuals.
• Wash your hands often. Cough/sneeze into your elbow or tissue and wash your hands immediately.
With even mild symptoms, stay home
Everyone must play their part to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, no matter the size or location of their community.
Wash your hands frequently. Maintain social distance of two metres. Do not attend any events, public or private, where you cannot maintain that social distance. Self-monitor for symptoms in yourself or your dependents and stay home if you are ill with even mild symptoms of cough or fever.
Unsure about your symptoms? Use the self-assessment tool at www.saskatchewan.ca/COVID19 to determine if you should contact HealthLine 811.
March 27, 2020 News Releases issued by the Government of Saskatchewan
• Saskatchewan Provincial Parks – Support The National Effort And Stay Home
With warm weather in the forecast for this weekend, Saskatchewan Parks is reminding residents provincial parks are not open at this time.
• Nine New Confirmed COVID-19 Cases In Saskatchewan
As of March 27, 2020, the province of Saskatchewan has nine new, confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the provincial total to 104.
• Update On COVID-19 Measures Being Taken In Correctional Facilities
The Ministry of Corrections and Policing is taking significant steps to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 in provincial correctional facilities.
For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, please visit www.saskatchewan.ca/COVID-19. For more information about the Ministry of Trade and Export Development’s Business Response Team visit www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-businesses.