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Road/Street Constuction Upgrades-Resorts of Highwood Beach & Kedleston Beach

29 Jun Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments
Road/Street Constuction Upgrades-Resorts of Highwood Beach & Kedleston Beach

Public Notice-Ratepayers at Highwood Beach and Kedleston Beach

The RM of  Dufferin will be commencing limited road repair work in both resort areas starting the week of July 3, 2017.

Work in Highwood Beach on Windsor Drive will consist of  widening road allowance area and ditching to rectify snowplowing

and drainage issues.  The work will mostly be done on Windsor Drive from Low Road north. Some trees will be removed and clay

that is removed from the bank will be used to build up areas of the road to help drainage as well.

Work on Kedleston Beach will consist of road widening and building up the road to improve road pass-ability.

Please be mindful of the work area and contractors on site.

Thank You for your patience during these road improvement projects.